Our Services
Maintenance & repairs
customer relations

Whatever the reason for installing your machines : new equipment, removal, reorganisation of your plant, merging entities, new installations, our experts offer a full range of services from prior study and advice to installation and training for the user and through to the global management of the process and specific projects : coordination, storage, planning, simulation and carrying out the job.
installations per year
removals & reinstallations

Maintenance and repairs

Regular servicing ensures optimum performance and avoids incapacitating break-downs. Our technicians are well versed in prevention: total overhaul of your equipment, detection of wear and tear, adjustment of the installation. We have a permanent stock of spares making it easy to manage replacements. Our workshop is equipped with a test bench to examine, prepare and test the different control blocks for your equipment, to check, mount and repair the electromechanical elements. If the breakdown requires onsite repairs, our regional technicians are there to guarantee a rapid intervention.
100% of our visits were to repair
45% of visits were to repair and 55% were for prevention
Hotline and tele-maintenance

of break-downs are dealt with by telephone
rings before someone picks the phone up


optimisation audits for clients in 2020
reports for manufacturers in 2020

Collaborating closely with the manufacturers and final users, Synergies has lots of know-how to share. Sales force: by training manufacturers’ salespeople in our after-sales techniques and other services, we provide them with extra arguments to enhance the image of their product, improve customer loyalty, reassure future clients and increase their sales.
We have two types of training for final users based on techniques and best practices: how to manage the most common break-downs (level 1 user maintenance) and “management” to improve the user’s performance to enhance their activity. Our technicians are trained in-house in behavioural techniques with clients (on-site and hotline).
training modules offered by Synergies

Managing customer relations

Our answers will be adapted to your needs and the specifics of the machine thanks to:
1. Our A to Z accompanying programme (audit, reflexion, modelling, etc.)
2. Drawing up maintenance contracts adapted to each user
3. Training courses for your sales teams, in our area of expertise, how we do our job and our ethics so that the quality of our services becomes a key selling point.
4. Our OPSY online platform which gives optimum visibility of our interventions on your machines in real time.
connexions to the OPSY client space per day
connexions to the OPSY manufacturer space per day
We manage the entire after-sales service for over 400 automatons which manage the stock and delivery of medication in pharmacies; these devices are between 2 and 18 years old.
Our teams cover 70% of the French territory to install and service 600 vending machines for freshly-baked pizzas.